FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop!

Here we are in the last day of June. This summer is flying. Of course, here in Florida it has been summer for some time. The weather is hot, hot, hot. Thankfully, we had a pool put in so that helps.  At least you can get cooled off. How is your weather? 

With the 4th being this coming weekend, are you planning any get togethers? I am not sure what we are doing since cases have risen so much here in Florida and we just don't want to be exposed if we don't have to. It will probably just be us, but that is OK. 

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Our hosts just want to say THANK YOU to all those who contributed to last week's party and WELCOME to all the new bloggers who have joined our weekly blog hop. Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.
Don't forget to use this hashtag #wwbloghop when sharing our party!

Let's get this party started!!

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Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

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Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Editors Choice with summertime inspiration

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Thanks to our co-hosts who share our party on their blogs every week ♥ Please follow them and share our party, too?
Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop
Be sure to grab our Specially Featured button if your post was featured this week to show off on your blog or sidebar!
Featured Button
Please TWEET our party
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like to. No Etsy shops, adult sites, or blog parties, please.
  • Visit others. Let them know you stopped by!
  • If you are NEW to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥ Help us find your posts – tell us the title.
  • NOTE: party entries appear in REVERSE. i.e. the most recent entry goes to the top! That way all of our guests will have a really good chance to be seen no matter when they arrive.
  • Thanks! ♥
So, now, let’s get this party started!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my patriotic framed art, Beverly! There has been so much amazing patriotic inspiration here, just wish we could celebrate the 4th with the festivals and fireworks like we usually do. I'm pinning ideas for next year!

  2. Pamela,
    You are so welcome for the feature. It is rather sad that there is so much patriotic inspiration and for most, no real celebration. I am pinning for next year too.
    Have a lovely week.

  3. Dropping by from #ChasingMYLife to bring you my Beef Stroganoff Sandwiches, Chicken Chile Verde and Salted Watermelon Salsa Salad. Thank you for hosting a GREAT party. I’m looking forward to visiting links over the next few days. I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL week.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with INDEPENDENCE DAY WITH A ROCK RENDITION OF “THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER” and I invite you to linkup at my THEMED LINKUP FOR ALL THINGS AMERICAN (RED, WHITE, AND BLUE), open until July 25.

  5. Thank you so much for hosting! This week I am excited to share the finale of the One Room Challenge, our summer picnic on the dock and how I decorate with antlers! Hope you are doing well and happy fourth!

  6. Thank you for hosting this week, Beverly! It is always so much appreciated. Today, I linked up # 156, Betsy’s Sweet Land of Liberty and # 157, DIY Easy Fabric Yo-Yos. I hope you have a safe and happy 4th of July!
    Tee @ Teediddlydee


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