FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Over The Moon Linky Party

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Over The Moon Linky Party

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Happy Sunday dear friends. I am chill-in here at the farm. If you missed that post you can read it here - Trip to the Farm
Sometimes you don't realize how much you need a rest and get rejuvenated. We have been going almost non stop on the house and it wasn't until we got here that I realized I need a little rest. The weather has been lovely and it is so peaceful. What a nice way to rejuvenate the soul. I hope you are finding some quiet time in your life.

My favorite part of these parties is reading your comments. I feel like I get to know you and that we are almost like "texting" back and forth. You share your stories with me and I share mine - just like friends.  So keep them coming.

Have a post you want to give more reach to? Need some comments or shares? Want a post that's close to going viral to take off like a rocket? Now is the time to link it up!

We pin EVERY feature link and Most Clicked Link. So have a chance to be featured and leave a comment in our comment section. Please include your link number or post title to make our list of features. Each of our hostesses choose their own features so be sure to visit them. We will return your comment as we visit those posts! So come on in, be one of the first to link up, and remember to go Over the Moon with us!

Let’s meet your Hostesses!
Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Take a look at my wonderful Features from last week!

Features include:
Congratulations to all the featured bloggers! Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks!

 Grab our feature button. Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks! Clicking on the Hostess Collages will catapult you straight to their blog.

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Adding your link to the Over the Moon Link Party indicates that you agree that all of the hosts of this party have your permission to display your link with your name, URL, and image. All links will lead back to the URL you use for the link. When we share your link, it provides a backlink for SEO as well as additional traffic to your blog.

Important: If you are having trouble with the new Inlinkz please watch these short videos about Creating A Party


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with INDEPENDENCE DAY WITH A ROCK RENDITION OF “THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER” and I invite you to linkup at my THEMED LINKUP FOR ALL THINGS AMERICAN (RED, WHITE, AND BLUE), open until July 25.

    1. Dee,
      I really liked that version of the Star Spangle Banner and all of the images that they show. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. I'm glad that you got away to the farm. That is always a relaxing time for me (now that I don't have to milk the cows when I go there, like I did when I was growing up). Thank you for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #77, #78, & #79. Have a great 4th of July!

    1. Amy,
      Well, no cows here to milk, did that as a teenager. It is so much easier when the farm has peaches and pecan trees instead of animals and vegetable gardens, although taking care of the trees is a full time job. We have been fixing sprinkler heads and some pruning. Someone does come in to spray the trees. It is always so relaxing for me. Each time I come, I wonder why it has been so long since we were here.
      Have a great week,

  3. Bev,
    My Link Ups for today are # 88,89 and 90!!
    Thanks so much for choosing my post as one of your features!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face book and will also do so in my next post!!
    Thanks too so much for hosting each week!! Stay safe, healthy, happy!!

    1. Debbie,
      You are so welcome for the feature. I always enjoy looking around your place and watching it evolve. I hope all is still well with you.
      Have a wonderful week.

  4. Marilyn,
    You are the best and I would trade you for anyone else either.
    Have a great week.

  5. Enjoy your rest, Bev! I just said to my husband this weekend that I'm feeling like I need a getaway. A quaint cabin on a nearby lake sounds perfect.

  6. That farm looks amazing! I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful time.
    And thank you so much for featuring my Father's Day post!! I have put the featured button on the sidebar as well as at the bottom of the featured post.
    Have a great week!
    PS My Linkups this week are #136 & #137

  7. Thank you for hosting, Bev. I really appreciate all the work you put into this party so we can all share our projects! My link up this week is #138, DIY Patriotic Front Porch Ideas. I hope you have a safe and wonderful week.


    Tee @ Teediddlydee

  8. I'm sharing #13, memo board thrift store upcycle. Enjoy those lake views!

  9. Thank you so much for hosting! This week I am excited to share the finale of the One Room Challenge, our summer picnic on the dock and how I decorate with antlers! Hope you are doing well and happy fourth!

  10. Welcome to my blogger

  11. Welcome to my blogger


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