FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop!

I wish I could say that my yard work is all done, but I can't. I think the list grows over night. We got 2 truck loads of dirt, one for the flower beds and one for the vegetable plants. I was finally able to get my strawberries in the ground.  I planted some more flowers in the new beds and we put down around 80 bags of mulch. I still have to finish about 10 bags. I hope to get that done tonight. I told hubby,"we are getting too old for this". I guess it keeps us young, or just too tired. lol!

Are you doing crazy stuff like I am? Is your yard done? How about your garden?

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Our hosts just want to say THANK YOU to all those who contributed to last week's party and WELCOME to all the new bloggers who have joined our weekly blog hop. Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.
Don't forget to use this hashtag #wwbloghop when sharing our party!
Let's get this party started!!

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Editors Choice with the beginnings of summertime

Thanks to our co-hosts who share our party on their blogs every week ♥ Please follow them and share our party, too?

Be sure to grab our Specially Featured button if your post was featured this week to show off on your blog or sidebar!
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Please TWEET our party
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like to. No Etsy shops, adult sites or blog parties, please.
  • Visit others. Let them know you stopped by!
  • If you are NEW to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥ Help us find your posts – tell us the title.
  • NOTE: party entries appear in REVERSE. i.e. the most recent entry goes to the top! That way all of our guests will have a really good chance to be seen no matter when they arrive.
  • Thanks! ♥
So, now, let’s get this party started!


  1. Hope you are doing well, Beverly!


    1. Michelle,
      I am doing great. I have been thinking of a plant based diet. I love all of the things on it, but I also like dessert some times. I have to think of how to covert some dessert recipes. Love your dress.

  2. Replies
    1. Sandra,
      You certainly know how to set a beautiful table. Your bird dishes are just lovely.
      Take care,

  3. Bev,
    Sounds like you too have been busy, my friend!!
    I think I am finally finished with our small little back yard cottage garden...I have been really enjoying being outside in the garden!!
    Thanks so much for visiting!!
    Thanks so much for hosting each week!! Stay safe, healthy, happy!!

    1. Debbie,
      Yes, I have been busy. I hope to get some posts together to show what I have been doing. It is always nice to be outdoors. I will take the outside any day. Glad your garden is almost getting done. You always do such a beautiful job of decorating and planting flowers.

  4. Thanks for the party, Bev. Sounds like you've been busy! I'm delighted to see my dollar store coastal decor featured! Thanks! I linked up at #62 & 63 this week.

    1. Beverly,
      Yes, we have been busy here. Hopefully I can get some posts ready to show what I have been doing. Your projects are always so creative and always nice to feature. You make such creative trays.
      Hope all is well.

  5. Beverly - I feel your pain on the never-ending list! Just as I finish one task in the garden, another one immediately pops up! Thank goodness for all the nice weather so we can enjoy being outside in our yards. THanks for hosting! (#69 this week)

    1. Jen,
      I agree, the list never ends. I need to build one of those protectors for my blackberries. Just as they were about to ripen, they were gone and I put netting over mine so I guess they are not safe. I had better get busy.

  6. Hi Beverly! I am feeling the same way about my yard. The areas I weeded a week and half ago, are already a mess again! Definitely keeping me busy! First time here at your Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Looks like fun! I have linked up 3 posts.

    1. Kim,
      I feel your pain - those feeds just keep on coming. They never take a break. I love all of the cottages. I also love your dachshund on the quilt. She looks just like our girl who passed away two years ago.

  7. Marilyn,
    Thanks for sharing your awesome recipes and tips. Hubby loves fish tacos so I guess I have to make those.

  8. Thank you for another GREAT party full of inspiring ideas and recipes. I love this week’s features. I brought my THYME BALSAMIC PORK CHOPS, RED PEPPER GLAZED HALIBUT & BANANA BEIGNETS with CREAM CHEESE DIPPING SAUCE. Have a GREAT week.


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