FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

We had another beautiful day here in central Florida. No rain for two days.  After all the rain we had, you would think that the garden would be fine. But no, with all of the heat, the garden dries out quickly.  I have had to water each day.  Today I was busy working on moving some more things to my she shed. One of these days, I am going to find the time to show you pictures. 

I hope you are all doing well. What is happening in your world? Let me know in the comments below. 
Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Our hosts just want to say THANK YOU to all those who contributed to last week's party and WELCOME to all the new bloggers who have joined our weekly blog hop. Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.
Don't forget to use this hashtag #wwbloghop when sharing our party!

Let's get this party started!!

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Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

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Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Editors Choice with the beginnings of summertime

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop

Thanks to our co-hosts who share our party on their blogs every week ♥ Please follow them and share our party, too?
Come and join the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Share NOW. #eclecticredbarn #linkyparty #wwbloghop
Be sure to grab our Specially Featured button if your post was featured this week to show off on your blog or sidebar!
Featured Button
Please TWEET our party
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like to. No Etsy shops, adult sites or blog parties, please.
  • Visit others. Let them know you stopped by!
  • If you are NEW to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥ Help us find your posts – tell us the title.
  • NOTE: party entries appear in REVERSE. i.e. the most recent entry goes to the top! That way all of our guests will have a really good chance to be seen no matter when they arrive.
  • Thanks! ♥
So, now, let’s get this party started!


  1. Thank you so much for the feature, have a lovely week

    1. Chas,
      You are so welcome for the feature. I always enjoy seeing your creations.
      Hope you are having a lovely week.

  2. Once again another GREAT party FULL of inspiring projects and recipes - thanks for hosting! I brought Braised Beef Short Ribs, Plain ‘Ol Roast Chicken and Strawberry Rhubarb pie. Have a WONDERFUL week.

    1. Tamy,
      Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipes. I love Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. Yummy. I haven't had it since I lived up north.
      Have a great week.

  3. Thank you so much for hosting Beverly! I am excited to share my patriotic Fife and Drummer. I hope you have a wonderful week.


    Tee @ teediddlydee

    1. Tee,
      OMG, your fife and Drummer figurines are so adorable. What a lovely display. I agree that sometimes we take our independence for granted. I hope you have a wonderful Father's Day in your family.

  4. Marilyn,
    You are share such wonderful recipes. I pinned your Beef Stew Seasoning recipe. It is so nice to have recipes like that on hand.


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.

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