FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Thursday Favorite Things

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday Favorite Things

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things!

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday my friends! Hope you are all doing well. We had a break in the rain the last two days. Just a few sprinkles the last two days. I see that it has been quite hot up north. My Mom lives in Western PA and it was almost 91 degrees which was about what we had here in Florida. They did say that the temperatures were going to be above average this summer. I hope that doesn't mean here in the south. How has your weather been?  What are you up to?

Many of my features come from you my commenters. Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week.  
My Features from last week:
Check out all of these lovely features. Hope you find some inspiration.
Each hostess chooses her own features from comments on her blog so be sure to visit them all! 
Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn

Features include:
Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn
Magnolia Clay Pocket Makeover - My Wee Abode 

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn
Creating A Cottage Garden - Shiplap and Shells

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn
Galapagos Island Cruise - Debbees Buzz

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn
Coffee Table Bench - Interior Frugalista

Thursday favorite Things! I want to thank all of you that shared your awesome posts at last weeks party and WELCOME to any new bloggers joining this week. We are blessed with so many talented and creative bloggers. I can’t wait to see what you have to add to the party this week.

Grow your blog audience with us.

 Every Thursday -Saturday you can add your blog post links to the TFT blog hop (link party)!
Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn

Have you met your Hostesses?

 You will want to get to know these lovelies, they are blog party rock stars! Please follow their blogs and social media, you will be so happy you did. They also share features every week. So, don’t forget to leave a comment with your party link number. Please Pin and Share TFT with your social network and blog friends.
Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn
It’s Party Time

Thank you to all who share with us every week.

Leave some comment love my friends, have a great time at the party - Happy TFT day!
Tell your friends and share your wonderful blog posts with us.
Remember you can add three links until midnight on Saturday. One each day or all at once.
Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.

Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week. 


  1. Bev,
    We had storms last night which brought in a cold front so for the next 5 days we will have temps. in the 70's, with low humidity!! Perfect for me!
    Thanks so much for always visiting!!
    And thanks for hosting. My Link Ups are # 23, 24 and 25 for this week!!
    Stay Safe, Healthy and Happy!!

    1. Debbie,
      I know you are loving that weather. It must be so nice. I love all of the lights on the porch. I would be sitting out there all of the time.
      Enjoy. I thought I would use your word for the month.

  2. It's been raining here for several days too, Bev. The forecast is for hot temperatures the next few days so I'm heading outdoors to enjoy some sunshine for a change. Thank you so much for the coffee table bench love, much appreciated! Have a good weekend 😄

    1. Marie,
      We finally had some dry weather so I was outside the last two days. Have to get out when I can. Rain is just part of summer. I loved that coffee table. You always do such incredible projects.
      Have a great week,

  3. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful party AND for the feature of my salsa recipe! Have a beautiful week!

    1. You are so welcome for the feature. I pinned that to make for hubby.
      Hope your week is awesome.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! I have linked at numbers 33, 35, and 36.


    1. Shelbee,
      You are so photogenic. You look adorable. I have to admit that I am very content in my life now. I have been for quite some time. I think maybe when I was young, I worried but as I have gotten older, I don't. I know that God is in control and I am here to honor him.
      I loved your writing. You go girl.

  5. Bev, I am so delighted to be featured today! Thanks for sharing my Galapagos islands cruise. I had forgotten your mom lived in my neck of the woods! Yesterday it hit 94 and boy was it humid. Sure would be nice if that fried this awful virus.

    1. Debbee,
      Yes, Mom said it was very hot. That's our normal. Yikes! Well, it hasn't fried it down here so I don't think that is going to happen. You are so welcome for the feature. I loved going on your vacation with you.
      Have a lovely week.

  6. Hello my friend, we have had a ton of rain too and heavy winds have ruined flowers and more. It was blue sky and 90 degrees yesterday. Lovely features, I especially love the lake view garden. I'm putting that one on my vision board. She's living my dream ( wink) xo

  7. Hi Bev
    We are enjoying the heat! I'm sharing 58 and 59 this week.
    Thank you for hosting, it's so appreciated:)
    xo Lisa S

  8. Hi Bev! Today I'm sharing #72 and #75. Whoa, 91 is so hot for me. It gets like that here too but then I usually stay inside. lol I'm a spring beach-goer!

  9. I felt that northern heat! Temp was 89 and real feel temp was 99 yesterday. I'm sharing my polka dot birdhouse and lemon craft #21 and #22. Happy Thursday! :)

  10. Hi, Bev; we had a big thunderstorm in Southern Ontario last night, courtesy of Tropical storm Cristobal. Thank you so much for hosting another great party; this week I am sharing #126 Prepared Tlayudas - Vegetarian and with Tasajo (salted steak). Have a wonderful week!

  11. Thank you so much for the feature, Bev! Always so fun! I'm at 104 and 105 this week... We've had very hot temps here, too! Ugh!

  12. Hi Bev. Our weather has been warm but also stormy which means the barometric is all over the place and causing me headaches. The countdown is definitely ON to leave the midwest when we are able to do something else. Thanks for hosting, friend. I'm joining you at #136 with my beachy surfer girl daily breakfast. xox

  13. Thank you so much for featuring my cottage garden post Beverly. How fun to see your wonderful features. My links for this week are #153, 156 and 159. Thank you for hosting!

  14. Thanks for continuing to host TFT!! I'm back posting my new take on display risers -- at #180
    Have a great week!!!

  15. Thank you for hosting the party. Our weather was cool the first part of the week, but it is hot now. In a few days the highs went from the low 60s to the low 90s! Our links this week are: #196, #197, & #198. Enjoy your week.

  16. Thank you for the inspiring ideas and recipes - GREAT party as always. I brought Apple Cider Pan Gravy Pork Chops with Apple Stuffing, Ricotta Meatballs & Gravy and Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas. Have a WONDERFUL week.


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.

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