FFf Eclectic Red Barn: December Decorating on Thursday Favorite Things

Thursday, November 30, 2023

December Decorating on Thursday Favorite Things

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things Party

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday dear friends.  I am glad to be back after taking last week off. November is coming to a close and December Merriness begins. 

I started to decorate and have the outside almost done and a little inside. I was hoping to have the inside done too by Thursday, but that is not going to happen. I am hoping by this weekend. 

I picked some Christmas decorating ideas that you might find  inspirational. Enjoy checking them out.

Many of my features come from your comments. Don't forget to leave our Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you might become one of my features for next week. 

My Features from last week:
Check out all of these lovely features. Hope you find some inspiration.

Each hostess chooses her own features from comments on her blog so be sure to visit them all! 

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Features include:
Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn
7 Christmas Crafts to Get Ready for the Holidays
Thursday Favorite Things! I want to thank all of you that shared your awesome posts at last weeks party and WELCOME to any new bloggers joining this week. We are blessed with so many talented and creative bloggers. I can’t wait to see what you have to add to the party this week.

Grow your blog audience with us.
 Every Thursday -Saturday you can add your blog post links to the TFT blog hop (link party)!
Have you met your Hostesses?

 You will want to get to know these lovelies, they are blog party rock stars! Please follow their blogs and social media, you will be so happy you did. They also share features every week. So, don’t forget to leave a comment with your party link number. Please Pin and Share TFT with your social network and blog friends.

It’s Party Time

Thank you to all who share with us every week.

Leave some comment love my fr iends, have a great time at the party - Happy TFT day!
Tell your friends and share your wonderful blog posts with us.
Remember you can add three links until midnight on Saturday. One each day or all at once.
Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.

Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week. 


  1. Bev, thank you so much for hosting. Today I am sharing numbers 10 and 11. Hope that you have a wonderful week.

    1. Stephanie,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I love that faux bowl. What a clever idea and so easy.

  2. Bev,
    I'm so glad you liked my very little golden books!!!!
    They are so fun to make- I have a tiny stack.
    Thank you for hosting each week. I really look forward to joining the fun.
    This week I' m sharing at #23.
    I hope you have a great week.
    xo Lisa S
    xo Lisa S

    1. Lisa,
      I love those little books. You are so talented and now those button trees. There's no end to your talent.

  3. Happy almost December! Thanks for inviting us to the party. I've linked #19 today.

    1. Sandra,
      You always set a fabulous table. I love those reindeers. they do make a great statement on the table.

  4. Happy Thursday, Beverly! Our favorite time of the year is almost here and we love all the festive creations featured here! Thanks so much for hosting each week! We love participating! This week we are sharing #29 and #30. Have a great weekend ahead!

    1. Laura,
      Your grand kids are so adorable. I just want to hug them. I love the little people nativity set. I have not seen that, but then again, I don't have small kids any more.
      What a wonderful learning tool.

  5. Hi Bev! Thanks so much for sharing my Christmas crafts post. I appreciate the love. Wishing you the best Holiday season. XO-- MaryJo

    PS. I'm @ 38, 39 & 40 this week. 💫

    1. Mary Jo,
      I love your tree and the traditions behind it. When I lived up north, we would go and cut down our tree. I loved that. Now we have an artificial one. It was so nice that your FIL was able to join in the festivities.

  6. Good morning Bev. Thanks for yet another awesome linkup opportunity.
    I visited you via Thursday Favorite Things Party:
    I linked up this week with = 48+49. Hope you will join us M-S SeniorSalonPitStop and W-S #WordlessWednesday. You will find it under BLOGGING.

  7. Lovely features, as always, Beverly! I'm at 51 and 52 this week! Thanks for hosting each week!

  8. Bev,
    My link Ups are Numbers 67. 69 and 71 for this week!!
    Thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face Book and will do so in my next post too!! Thanks for again for hosting such a lovely party each week!!! I truly do appreciate it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  9. Thanks so much Bev! I have barely started holiday decorating and hope to get a lot done this weekend, I feel so behind :) My links this week are #75, 76, 77. Happy December!

  10. Hi, Bev! It does seem like Christmas is just around the corner. Thank you for hosting another great party, I am sharing #168 Quick Green Pozole, and #169 Durango Style Gorditas. Have fun decorating, I hope you finish as you wish!

  11. Loved seeing the Christmas Idea features, Bev. Thank you ladies so much for hosting! I'm joining in this week with my Christmas Dollhouse Tour #178. Will be looking forward to seeing your Christmas decorations, have a blessed week!


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.

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