FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

It's almost May! Spring is in the air. The birds have been chirping and I saw a mother duck with these tiny babies when I went walking. They were so cute. I love how nature just knows. They followed her all in a row to the water. I wish I had my phone with me, but of course I didn't. How spring is in the air were you are.
Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
The first week of May has just arrived and signs of spring are all over the place. A "robin couple" has already built a nest right outside of my patio door. The grass is green and growing. And the sun stays up later and later into the night. What a lovely time of year.
We are so glad that you stopped by to party with us. Our features represent the most popular posts from the week before. Let's see the ones you visited most last week ...

Most Viewed

Chicks and sprouts

Very Popular



Editor's PickSuper easy chocolate ice cream cake #recipe

My Pick

So, now, let's get on with this party!
We would love it if you followed us on social media and/or come by our blogs to subscribe by email.
Simple party guidelines >>­
  • Please TWEET our party ♥
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like to. No Etsy shops, adult sites or blog parties, please.
  • Visit others. Let them know you stopped by!
  • If you are NEW to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥ Help us find your posts – tell us the title.
  • NOTE: party entries appear in REVERSE. i.e. the most recent entry goes to the top! That way all of our guests will have a chance to be seen no matter when they arrive.
  • Thanks! ♥


  1. Dropped by from #ChasingMYLife to bring you my Kentucky Hot Brown Casserole, Farmstyle Meatloaf & Gravy and my Spicy Chicken PotStickers with Blackberry dipping sauce. I’m always happy to be here. I hope you have a WONDERFUL week.

    1. OMG,
      I love those pot stickers. I have never had them with blackberry sauce but I am anxious to try them. Pinned. Thanks for sharing your awesome recipes.

  2. Thank you Beverly for co-hosting the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop.

    1. Joy,
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your lovely Laundry sign. I enjoyed looking at all of your lovely vintage items. I have that exact white commode. So sweet.

  3. Thank you for hosting...I have added 167, 164, 163! We would like to invitee you to join our link party at "Celebrate Your Story" on Mondays at 8 pm. You can check us out at www.meandmycaptain.com...Thanks Kari

    1. Kari,
      Thank you for sharing your wonderful posts. I am so jealous of your Gardenia tree. I have lots of similar plants that are doing fabulous but not my gardenia. Maybe I baby them too much because they last for awhile and then they get some disease and die. It is so frustrating since I love them so much. My neighbor has one and he never pays attention to it and it is beautiful. Go figure!

  4. Nice Article, We Provide Best Send Mothers Day Cake to India from any other Countries.

  5. Replies
    1. Debbie,
      I hope you are doing well after your surgery. It will take time, but worth it in the end.

  6. Marilyn,
    You are so welcome for the feature. Going to make it for Mothers' Day. It is my Mom's favorite cake.

  7. Julie,
    I know I like my snacks and always trying to mix it up. Thanks for the added ideas. Sometimes, I do like cookie. I had no idea that having fruit with it was a bonus. I can do that. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you for hosting for us this week.
    Happy May to you.

    1. Fabby,
      So good to see you. How are you? Hope all is well. Can't wait to see what you shared.

  9. You are a very smart person!


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