FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to our party!

For some it is a winter wonderful land. I must admit that I am a little jealous of the beautiful snow scenes that I have seen. We actually are dipping down here in Florida to 48 tonight. I know that is not cold for some of you but it is down here. I must admit I am enjoying it.
Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Yes, the holidays have finally come and, where I live, so has the snow. We have had plow-able snow two times already. The arrival of snow deep enough to plow also means you have snowball making snow, snowman making snow and winter sports enjoying snow. Something for everybody. What I really love about snow at this time of year is when the houses are all lit up with holiday decorations! It is a very special time of year. Before we get started, let's take a look at the posts visited most last week...  

Most Viewed


Very Popular

20 Healthy Appetizers For Thanksgiving - Five Spot Green Living

Editor's Pick

Graham Cracker Nativity Scene - Gluesticks Blog

My Pick

Holiday Dress - Eva Trends - This Main Line Life

  Now, let's get this party started!
Blog hop - Wonderful Wednesday
This week please follow our co-hosts on Twitter …

Simple party guidelines >>
  • Please TWEET our party ♥ Use the hashtag #WWBlogHop
  • Add as many of your family-friendly posts as you would like to. No Etsy shops, adult sites or blog parties, please.
  • Visit others. Let them know you stopped!
  • If you are NEW to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop, let us know in the comments so that we can follow you back. ♥ Help us find your posts – tell us what number they are!
  • NOTE: party entries appear in REVERSE. i.e. the most recent entry goes to the top! That way all of our guests will have a chance to be seen no matter when they arrive.
  • Thanks! ♥

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thanks for the party, Bev. It's chilly in Charleston, too. We dipped down to freezing last night! I linked up at #148 & 149. Hope you're having a great week.

    1. Beverly,
      No freezing here but it was nice to have some cooler weather. It warmed back up. Love your recipe holder but that DIY cupcake ornament is so adorable.
      Have an lovely weekend.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting the party. I live in Pensacola, FL and it got down in the 30's last night. I have to turn on the emergency heat. What part of Florida do live? Happy Holiday Season, Kippi

    1. Kippi,
      I live in Davie, FL. It is near Ft. Lauderdale. We got down to 54. We are so spoiled. Temps are back up. lol! Have a Happy Holiday Season too.

  3. Bev,
    Thanks so much for hosting and as always thanks for stopping by!!

    1. Debbie,
      Thank you for stopping by and supporting my parties. Hope all is going well with you and stay warm.
      Have a great weekend.

  4. We know what you mean about being "cold" when the temperature is 48. We always feel guilty mentioning to our friends and family in the midwest how chilly we are when it gets below 60! Thanks for hosting! Today we're sharing #195. Have a great week!

    1. I know that we are spoiled when it gets below 60, but down here your blood has thinned so we get cold easily. Family and friends think we are crazy. My granddaughter can't wrap her head around the fact that we don't get snow in the winter.
      Love all of your instapot recipes. Hope I get one for Christmas.
      Have a great weekend.

  5. Thank you for hosting for us this week.
    Happy Xmas season.

    1. Fabby,
      Thank you for stopping by. Hope your holiday season is wonderful. I can't wait to see your Christmas table decorated.

  6. Marilyn,
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your recipes. Those scones look really yummy.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Julie,
    You are so welcome for the feature. I thought that dress was so pretty.
    Hope you have a great weekend.


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