FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Thursday Favorite Things

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday Favorite Things

Welcome to this week's Thursday Favorite Things

Do you realize that this is the last Thursday in October? Can you believe that? I hope this week's features will provide some wonderful inspiration for you. Some of my features came from you my commenters. Don't forget to leave your linkup number so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week.  

My Features from last week:

Features include:
Chocolate Lover's Puppy Chow

Debbie's Haunted Houses

Fall Garden Tour

What Jane Austin Ate

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things! I want to thank all of you that shared your awesome posts at last weeks party and WELCOME to any new bloggers joining this week. We are blessed with so many talented and creative bloggers. I can’t wait to see what you have to add to the party this week.

This week on Eclectic Red Barn:

Peach Cream Cheese Braid

If were featured, grab a button.

Please take the time to get to know ALL of your hostesses
Thursday Favorite Things blog hop hostess
nina CollageThursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Thursday Favorite Things blog hop co-hostess


Don't forget to add your Linkup Number to your comment to be featured!!

Welcome to The Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Link Party (TFT)
A party for Blog Writers & Blog Readers.
Our party is a great way to grow your blog audience and discover other blogs too. Start sharing your blog links on Thursday's at 7 am (MST).
Please read the rules before participating, it will be a much more satisfying party.

Please Link your favorite post or a post about your favorite things.
Please visit at least two links ahead of yours
Please follow All of Your Hostesses
Please link to your post not your blog main page
Please leave a comment with your post number,features will be selected from the comment list.
Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the author of the post is credited.
By sharing your blogs and blog images with us you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them and that we may use your photos to feature your post on social media, pinterest or as a feature on our blogs.
All of the hostesses are selecting their favorites to share on their blogs each week from those who comment, so your chances of being selected as a favorite are multiplied. Share your best work and let’s get your post featured!
Have fun and thank you for joining in the party!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Bev,
    Thanks for featuring one of my posts once again!! i will be giving you a Shout Out in my next post, on Google + and on my Face book site! Thanks so much for your kindness!!
    Thanks so much for hosting each week!!

    1. Debbie,
      You are so welcome. Love your haunted houses and all of your decorations.
      Have a great day,

  2. Replies
    1. Joanna,
      Your fall flowers are so lovely. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  3. I still cannot believe my eyes, darling Bev, my last week post is amongst those featured by you too, I'm over the moon happy and so, so honored, I'm going to write it on my blog !

    Sending blessings of joy to you,
    with sincere thankfulness

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

    Oh, I was forgetting to write that this week I'm number 77 :)


    1. Daniela,
      I love reading your stories and I love to honor those who comment on my parties. I was so amazed about the words that you listed in the dictionary after the Civil War. That was so awesome.
      I am glad to feature you.

  4. Thank you so much for hosting, Bev. Have an amazing day.

    1. Cathy,
      So delighted to have you join the party and share your wonderful posts.
      have a lovely day.

  5. 86. Bev, Thanks so much for the feature! I am loving this link-up as there is so much talent here- so happy to be included in your recognition here!

    1. So glad to feature you and honor my commenters.
      Have an awesome day.

  6. Thanks again for hosting this terrific blog hop! I hope you have a wonderful day!
    PS I am link-up #100 this week :-)

    1. Angie,
      Always so lovely to see you. You always provide your linkup number.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Thank you for hosting Bev, have a great week. My number is 293

    1. Lindy,
      So glad you linked up this week and thanks for adding your number. Love your basket wreath.


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.

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