FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Candy Cane Wreath - Kids Activity

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Candy Cane Wreath - Kids Activity

With school ending for the holidays, you might need a great craft for the kids to do. Why not make a Candy Cane Wreath. My neighbor's daughter loves to come to my house. She said I was "the world's best crafter"! Kids are so naive!! 

We always do some sort of craft when she and her friends come over. 
On Saturday, they were coming over to work on Christmas presents for their moms. She brought me this candy cane wreath that she had made. She is nine. What a lovely surprise.
Eclectic Red Barn: Candy Cane Wreath

She said the hardest part was figuring out the layout. She is definitely a future crafter. She used scotch tape to hold the candy canes together. She wrapped the middle and ends together with tape. 

Then she taped the two candy cane "hooks" together. She used lots of tape.

She adhered them to a piece of cardboard that she painted. Her mother helped her some, but she did most of it. (she told me)
Here is a view of how she taped them together.
 Eclectic Red Barn: Candy Cane Wreath with tape
Here is the completed back.
Eclectic Red Barn: Candy Cane Wreath taped to circle
 She added some ribbon at the top, wrote Merry Christmas and the date on it, and it was done. I hung it on my door and she was so proud. I love it when children get excited about projects that they have made.

This would be a great project to do with your kids.
Eclectic Red Barn: Candy Cane Wreath
With so many different colored candy canes, these would be so cheerful and festive.
Linking to these parties:
 Inspire Me Mondaybig inspiration monday hFB_button150The Dedicated House
Sweet Wednesday Link Party at MySweetMission.netWhat did you makeFluster BusterInline image 2thursday favorite things blog hop


  1. how sweet, I've seen these before and I believe the directions I saw had you hot gluing the candy canes together. You must be the worlds best crafter to have the neighbor kids coming to your house to craft :)

  2. This is so cute and simple, and using the blue candy canes looks great! Found you through the In and Out of the Kitchen linky party and those blue candy canes immediately caught my eye!

  3. Adorable :) I can't wait to see what she creates as she gets older!

  4. That is so precious! I taught craft class many years at our homeschool group. The kids just loved it. Some of them would make something, or make a card for me at the end of the session. I treasure those little crafts made by my students. Thank you for sharing it and your pretty ornament exchange at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!

  5. How sweet! (pun intended :) I love simple and charming projects like your candy cane wreath. I'd love if you'd share it at Inspire Us Thursday at Organized 31. http://organized31.com/2013/12/inspire-us-thursday-link-party-30.html

  6. This is so cute. I would have loved making it with my daughter when she was younger. Thanks for linking to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you next time.

  7. I was using canning lids for my middle section and put it on the top and bottom (for display in a window) and had one heck of a time gluing the bottoms of the candy canes to the lids. I tried hot gluing them, no luck, tried craft adhesives, no luck! HELP??!!

  8. I just saw this on Inspire Me Monday & had to comment. This is fabulous. I didn't even realize they were candy canes, I just thought what a cute wreath. Awesome idea.


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