FFf Eclectic Red Barn

Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Little Bit of Springtime

A Little Bit of Springtime

Today I was cleaning up some branches after a harsh rain storm in the morning. The sun was out and it was lovely. I have two Bougainvillea bushes in pots. They belong to the four o' clock family. I love the plant but not a big fan since it has these killer thorns. I keep them in pots so they don't go crazy.  I thought I would bring in a couple of stems for the table.

A Little Bit of Springtime. #flowers #vintageitems #springtime #eclecticredbarn

Over The Moon Party

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

Happy Sunday. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine was nice. We had some rain on Saturday morning and it cooled things down a bit but the sun did try and peek out here and there. 

The rain has certainly helped my seeds to grow. I can't believe that so many of them are up already. I have a large compost pile and used some of the compost for a planter of petunias and dusty miller. Up from the center of the pot comes this green plant that is not part of what I planted.  I am not 100% sure but I think it is a watermelon plant. Off to one side is another one. I tried to carefully dig it up but it was so far down in the pot that it broke off. I put it in water and it is growing. 

I guess not all of the seeds have decomposed and now I have them in my flower pot. I have not taken the middle one out yet. I might let it get stronger first. I hope I am doing the right thing by leaving it in there. So far that is the only pot that seems to have seeds growing. 

I know that if I planted the seeds some would come up, but they always seem to do better in the strangest places.  

 Well, I hope you have a great week ahead.
Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #marilyntreats #overthemoonIt

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Happiness Is Homemade Party

Welcome to Happiness Is Homemade Party

Saint Patrick's Day is just a little over a week away, so I thought, why not check out a few more St. Paddy's Day ideas. 

Let's start with my favorite part of the link party, which is the list of featured posts! Creative and wonderful projects that I've noticed. Therefor, please visit each featured post, and you can link up or get more inspirations by clicking the inlinkz button. Here's this week's features:

Happiness Is Homemade.Share NOW. #linkyparty #hih #eclecticredbarn

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thursday Favorite Things party

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things Party

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday and welcome to March. I am so excited that you dropped by. We have had a lovely week. some bad thunder storms yesterday but then the sun came out and it was sunny. The plants are loving the sun and the rain. Lots of strawberries coming and blackberries. I hope I get them before the birds.

Almost all of the seeds I planted last week are coming up. It seems like they popped up over night. If this weather stays warm, they should be well on their way on a couple of weeks. 

I hope your weather has warmed up some too. I know my Mom in Pennsylvania has not had snow for a couple of weeks. She gets so excited when the sun is out, even if it is cold. 

I Hope you enjoy all of the inspiration you find at the party. We have the best bloggers and they are all so creative. Hope you like the features! I picked a little of everything this week. 

Many of my features come from you my commenters. Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week.  

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop

 Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Share NOW. #wwbh #WWBH #WWBloghop #eclecticredbarn

Welcome to the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop!  We appreciate you stopping by each week and participating in the blog hop.  Before we start our main event, let's take a look at our features from last week's party.  

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