FFf Eclectic Red Barn

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone !

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. It has gone by so fast, but the time spent with family and friends was great. 


It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone. They say as you get older, time seems to fly by faster, I think they are right. 


I only began my blog in late August, and I was so exciting hooking up with other bloggers and linking up to many wonderful link parties and so much inspiration from all of you. 


Hopefully this new year will bring even greater growth in my blog and in myself. I have new projects planned and  many projects that need to be finished.


I look forward to visiting with all of you and hope you will spend some time with me as well as I continue with my journey. 


Best Wishes for a Happy New year!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone !

Well, Christmas will be here in a few days. The weather has turned cooler here in Florida - in anticipation of Christmas. Maybe it will snow? Oh, well, just kidding. 

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope that your time with family and friends is enjoyable. Make sure to give extra hugs. I am sure I will be enjoying my family gatherings. 

Christmas Tree 2012

I love putting up our tree since it gives me a chance to look at all the bulbs and decorations and remember where they came from. I still have ones from my children when they were tiny. Since they have their own children now, I get new ones from the grandchildren each year. Then there are those that we purchase on a trip as a remembrance.  We get a new one each year and it is great to remember that particular vacation. It's just one of our traditions. 

I have enjoyed "visiting" with all of you and thank you for visiting with me. See you in the new year.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Growing Poinsettias

Blooming Poinsettias!  Wow, I am so excited!

This time of year, many people buy Poinsettias for decorating. I usually do so as well. Then what do you do with them? When I lived up north I would wait for them to die and then throw them out. The last few years, after Christmas is over, I say to myself, "plant those Poinsettia plants and see if they grow and bloom" here in Florida. Unfortunately, that never seems to happen. They sit there for a while, and then I move them and forget to water them and they die. 

Blooming Poinsettia Plant in yard

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Prayers are Needed!                           

Praying for lottoWhat can we say that will help ease the pain for all those families that continue to deal with last Friday's ordeal. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through. I thought of my grandchildren who are 5 and 7 years old and my daughter who is a teacher.  

What can you say; what can you do?

I have been praying for them. I believe that prayer is a powerful thing, so in the course of your day, lift up a prayer for all those families and let them feel our love.    

Spend time with your loved ones today, for tomorrow is never promised.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Decorating the Outdoor Steps !!

Decorated Steps with Vintage Watering Cans and Poinsettias
Decorated Steps with Vintage Watering Cans

Isn't it funny how you can get excited about steps and a banister? Who knew!  

We live in a ranch, so there are no steps or banisters to decorate. However, we do have three steps and a banister leading down from our deck. I usually have planters with flowers blooming on the steps, but at Christmas it gives me the opportunity to decorate this area. 

Since there is no chance of snow here in southern Florida, I sprayed the greenery and poinsettias with snow. We do get a lot of rain, so I don't know how long the fake snow will last. 

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