FFf Eclectic Red Barn: You're The Star - Home Feature Week

Monday, August 23, 2021

You're The Star - Home Feature Week

Welcome to You're The Star - Home Feature Week

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was good but very hot. Wow, I am ready for some fall weather.  I hope you are not dealing with all of the rain from Henri. It seems the north has had to deal with more hurricane affects than we had here in Florida. 

Please be safe and have a great week.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

WELCOME to the August 2021 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!
Before we continue onto the Linky party I wanted to share from my blog:

WELCOME to HOME feature week of the August 2021 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your HOME week Hosts

This week is HOME feature week
Swing by the Home Hosts' Blogs:
Bev @ Eclectic Red Barn
Liberty @ B4 and Afters
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#4 HOME - recipes, home décor, antique/DIY &/or travel (this can include anything about your home - even history posts - all while remaining family friendly)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for godsgrowinggarden.com photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg

(All features were chosen from the July 2021 "You're the Star" blog hop)

Sunny Days Lemon Cake Tablescape by Dining Delight
If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg

photo STARhosting_zpsqbwlkopx.jpg

All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. - James 1:6-8 (KJV)



  1. Bev,
    we got 2 1/2 inches of rain from Henri yesterday but parts of NEPA got 4+ inches!! My garden looks like a jungle!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this charming party each and every week!! I so appreciate all the time and effort that does into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Debbie,
      So glad you didn't get tons of rain like some places. All that rain makes the weeds grow and the plants too.
      I hope it cooled the temps down. I know you hate it when it is hot.


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.

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