FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Thursday Favorite Things Party

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday Favorite Things Party

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things Party

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday! We are on the road again heading home. I enjoyed my time in Vermont and especially spending time with the grandkids. The weather was wonderful. Warm, in the mid 80s. Loved that. We had rain late one evening but other than that, it was beautiful. 

We had several bonfires and the kids set off fireworks one night. Of course there were smores. I cooked a lot and made several desserts.  We ate well. I especially enjoyed cooking with my grandson. He loves to cook. He even asked for some of my recipes. 

I want to apologize for not answering comments these last couple of weeks. It has been hard to get the time. 

I hope you are all doing well. Have a great weekend ahead. 

Many of my features come from you my commenters. Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week.  

My Features from last week:
Check out all of these lovely features. Hope you find some inspiration.
Each hostess chooses her own features from comments on her blog so be sure to visit them all!

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Features include:

Thursday Favorite Things! I want to thank all of you that shared your awesome posts at last weeks party and WELCOME to any new bloggers joining this week. We are blessed with so many talented and creative bloggers. I can’t wait to see what you have to add to the party this week.

Grow your blog audience with us.

 Every Thursday -Saturday you can add your blog post links to the TFT blog hop (link party)!
Have you met your Hostesses?

 You will want to get to know these lovelies, they are blog party rock stars! Please follow their blogs and social media, you will be so happy you did. They also share features every week. So, don’t forget to leave a comment with your party link number. Please Pin and Share TFT with your social network and blog friends.

It’s Party Time

Thank you to all who share with us every week.

Leave some comment love my friends, have a great time at the party - Happy TFT day!
Tell your friends and share your wonderful blog posts with us.
Remember you can add three links until midnight on Saturday. One each day or all at once.
Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.

Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week. 


  1. I'm right there with you, Bev! Finding time recently has been difficult to say the least! Thanks for being a trooper and hosting a great party. This week I'm at #'s 13 & 14. May we slow down a bit this week 😊

  2. Glad you had a good time with the family. It sounds perfect! Linking up with No. 39.

  3. Thank you you so much for featuring my backyard.....hugs...

  4. Thanks for hosting Dear Bev (today I'm link 56).
    Sending blessings of Joy
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  5. Thank you for featuring my Grinch ornament, Bev. It sound like you had a wonderful trip!

  6. Bev,
    Thanks so much for all your visits!!
    My Link Ups this week are #80 and 85...
    Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  7. Thank you so much for featuring my realistic flame dollhouse fireplace! Linking up this week at 90 & 91. Safe travels!

  8. Bev, so glad you had a nice visit with fam. Check out the end of my post at #95 to see pix and blurb about our visit here in Pittsburgh.

  9. Hi, Bev, thank you for hosting another great party! I am sharing a post with a sporty theme for the Olympics, and recipes for Cornish Pasties and Mexican Pastes in #101 Of Mining, Soccer and Patties. Have a safe trip back home and an awesome week!

  10. Hi Bev!! So fun that you got to cook with your grandson. And the weather sounds pretty darn perfect. It's supposed to be really nice here this weekend - I am hoping! Today there's a smoke warning from the forest fires nearby so we're staying inside. The beach in a couple days though! Today I'm sharing #69 and 70. Have a good trip back! xx

  11. Sounds like a wonderful Vermont summer! Safe travels home.
    Thanks again for hosting this fun party!
    PS My linkups this week are: #128, #130 & #132

  12. Thanks for hosting, Bev! Glad to hear you had such a wonderful time with the family! Have a wonderful weekend. I'm at 135 & 136 this week!

  13. Thank you for hosting another GREAT party. I brought Hawaiian Chicken, Chicken Fricassee and Antipasto Salad this week (#'S 137, 138 & 139). I’m looking forward to visiting links over the next few days AND I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL week.

  14. Hi Bev. Great to hear about your trip and visit - time away from blogging sounds mighty good indeed to this busy bee. I'm sharing at #140 and appreciate all of your time and willingness to gather us once again. Peace to you, friend.


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.

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