FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Thursday Favorite Thiings

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday Favorite Thiings

Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things Party

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday!  Last night we prepared for Eta. We are to have some rain and wind. I hope that all goes well. I feel so sorry for all of our friends down in the Miami and Ft. Lauderdale that have been dealing with so much rain. This has certainly been a difficult year for hurricanes and it may not be over yet. How is your weather? 

I gathered some more fall and Thanksgiving ideas for you. I hope you find some inspiration and maybe a recipe to make. Enjoy your day.

Many of my features come from you my commenters. Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week.  
My Features from last week:
Check out all of these lovely features. Hope you find some inspiration.
Each hostess chooses her own features from comments on her blog so be sure to visit them all! 
Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #eclecticredbarn

Features include:
Thursday Favorite Things! I want to thank all of you that shared your awesome posts at last weeks party and WELCOME to any new bloggers joining this week. We are blessed with so many talented and creative bloggers. I can’t wait to see what you have to add to the party this week.

Grow your blog audience with us.

 Every Thursday -Saturday you can add your blog post links to the TFT blog hop (link party)!
Have you met your Hostesses?

 You will want to get to know these lovelies, they are blog party rock stars! Please follow their blogs and social media, you will be so happy you did. They also share features every week. So, don’t forget to leave a comment with your party link number. Please Pin and Share TFT with your social network and blog friends.

It’s Party Time

Thank you to all who share with us every week.

Leave some comment love my friends, have a great time at the party - Happy TFT day!
Tell your friends and share your wonderful blog posts with us.
Remember you can add three links until midnight on Saturday. One each day or all at once.
Please invite your blog friends and social network to join us.

Don't forget to leave your Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you could become one of my featured commenters next week. 


  1. Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. Thank you for hosting! This week I've shared #'s 32 and 33. Have a beautiful week!

  3. Stay safe, Bev, you guys are having a rough go down there in Florida these days. Linking up some Christmas ideas this week at 72 & 73.

  4. Hi Bev. Thanks for hosting!
    I'm sharing a few of my favorite things at 105 this week.
    xo Lisa S

  5. Hi, Bev; I hope the weather improves fast in Florida. Thank you for hosting another great party; I am sharing #113 Layered Bean Tamales and #114 Yolk Coconut Sweets. Stay safe and have a nice week!

  6. Bev, thanks so much for featuring my pumpkin vignettes! What a lovely way to start Thursday! I've linked at #94 and 96.

  7. Thank you so much for the feature, Bev! We are So-Cal-cold here... hitting low 50s at night, mid 60s during the day. I love it! Hope you stay safe! I'm at 140,141,142 this week!

  8. Thanks for featuring my Classic Pumpkin Bread! We are experiencing warm temps and rain. This was after having 30 degree morning temps just over a week ago! Yikes!
    Hope all goes well with the hurricane - it has definitely been a crazy hurricane season. I guess it just fits in with 2020!
    Take care!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  9. Bev,
    My Link Ups for this week are #177, 178 and 179!! I am a little late to the party this week....
    Thanks so much for taking the time to host each week!! It is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  10. lovely autumn features. Stay safe and dry my friend xox

  11. Thank you for another GREAT party full of inspiring ideas and recipes. I love this week’s features. I brought my CHICKEN CORN CHOWDER, BROCCOLI, HAM & CHEESE NOODLE CASSEROLE and PINEAPPLE RAISIN PUMPKIN PIE. Have a GREAT week.

  12. Sending you all best wishes for Eta! Thanks for hosting this party - it's been a nice source of consistent positivity in this crazy year. I'm sharing #106 and 107.

  13. Marilyn,
    You are so welcome for the feature. I always enjoy seeing all of your recipes and tips.
    Have a great upcoming weekend.

  14. Thank you so much for featuring our World's Best Pumpkin Pie. My niece and nephew are in Central Florida this week and they said that it is very stormy there. I hope that you all fare alright. Our links this week are: #227, #228, & #230. Thank you for all of the work you do in hosting the party.

  15. Thanks for the party. I forgot to see what my link is. Oops. Fir a great party! Here's my link though.i have a party come over and link your post and the party! http://myjourneyback-thejourneyback.blogspot.com/2020/11/happy-homemaker-in-texas_14.html?m=0

  16. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often. fairy lights for bedrooms


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