FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Over The Moon Linky Party

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Over The Moon Linky Party

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

Happy Sunday! The weather is still the issue here and in many parts of the country. Yikes, is it hot. I have heard from many of you that you are having heat waves too. Our only problem is that we will not get a break any time soon. If you are having cooler weather, let me know and I might come and visit. 

Try and stay cool and enjoy checking out my features and all of the amazing posts. You can do that indoors!

Have a post you want to give more reach to? Need some comments or shares? Want a post that's close to going viral to take off like a rocket? Now is the time to link it up!

We pin EVERY feature link and Most Clicked Link. So have a chance to be featured and leave a comment in our comment section. Please include your link number or post title to make our list of features. Each of our hostesses choose their own features so be sure to visit them. We will return your comment as we visit those posts! So come on in, be one of the first to link up, and remember to go Over the Moon with us!

Let’s meet your Hostesses!

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

This week I have picked a DIY project and lots of yummy food ideas. Hope you enjoy them.

Take a look at my wonderful Features from last week!

Easy Watercolor Flowers You Can Paint by MamasBrush

The Very Best Brownies by My Hubbard Home

Congratulations to all the featured bloggers! Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks!

 Grab our feature button. Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks! Clicking on the Hostess Collages will catapult you straight to their blog.

Adding your link to the Over the Moon Link Party indicates that you agree that all of the hosts of this party have your permission to display your link with your name, URL, and image. All links will lead back to the URL you use for the link. When we share your link, it provides a backlink for SEO as well as additional traffic to your blog.

Important: If you are having trouble with the new Inlinkz please watch these short videos about Creating A Party


  1. Bev,
    Our heat wave is supposed to end tomorrow... Thanks so much for hosting!!
    My Link Ups are #9 and 10 for this week!! I hope you have a terrific week11

    1. Debbie,
      I hope the weather cooled down. We cooled down some today since Barry came through. It is still sticky but a lot cooler. I loved your story about your friend Joe. How sweet for them to buy his meal and a gift card. It is nice to know that kindness is still there.

  2. Thanks Beverly for featuring my "Banana Walnut Crunch Loaf" this week! I am actually making 2 more this week for the freezer - special treats for my guys while I'm gone to Colorado in August.
    We are so very hot here in middle Georgia - I shared that in my Happenings on the Homestead this week. My daughter has had high temps in Colorado Springs as well. Ugh!
    Stay cool!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

    1. Melissa,
      You are so welcome for the feature. These high temps seem to be everywhere. We cooled down some today when affects of Barry moved in. I love to have thng sin the freezer too. When I go out of town, I always make sure hubby has lots to choose from.

  3. Replies
    1. Anita,
      Thank you so much for stopping by Over The Moon party. I hope your week is going well.

  4. The storm just brought cool air to Michigan! I hope that you can stay cool inside in air conditioning.
    Thanks again for hosting!
    PS My linkups this week are: #92, #93 & #94

    1. Angie,
      We finally had a break today when hurricane Barry came through but it brought it with it lots of rain. Tomorrow will be only 89 compared to the high 90's or more. I have been staying in but it is driving me crazy.

  5. It is actually really hot here in Utah too. Thank you for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #101, #102 & #103.

    1. Amy,
      Wow, you are hot too. Not sure if there is any place that is cool. What a crazy summer this has been. We cooled off a little today, only 89 compared to the high 90's.
      I'll take it.

  6. Thank you so much Bev for featuring my faux concrete bird bath finial! Wishing you a wonderful new week. xo

    1. Marie,
      You are so welcome for the feature. I love what you did with your bird bath. You are so creative.
      Have a great week.

  7. Marilyn,
    I love your salads. I could eat salad everyday. At first I thought it was navy bean soup but it is a salad. silly me. That Amish salad looks great too. Pinned both of them.

  8. Thank you for hosting. I brought one of our delicacy back home. Have a great week ahead. https://www.kocinadepinay.com


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