Sunday, February 4, 2018
Kitchen Makeover - Part 3
It is amazing how fast the guys were able to take out the old counter tops and start to put the new ones in.
Everything was going well until it was time to put in the granite with the sink. They didn't measure it correctly so one place was off a little. What else can go wrong in this remodel?
Calls to the main office and moving and adjusting and more adjusting but still a small gap. Will the back splash cover it? Can we make it work?
My husband seems to think so, in goes the granite. I love the look. (there is that one spot) We are probably the only ones that would let something like this go. Would you have had it redone? Part of me wishes yes!
I granite cost us $2500 which included installation, 60/40 sink and Delta faucet with shield spray techcnology. We had 45 square feet of granite installed and for this area that is really good.
Now that the granite is in, we only have to install the back splash and fix a few places that got damaged from the counter tops.
They had this desk in the kitchen and I so wanted to take it out, but couldn't decided what to put in its place so it stayed. When we purchased the house there was a cabinet above the desk closing in the kitchen. That cabinet was the first thing to come out.
I have two large pantry cupboards on either side and wanted them so I left it all.
It is getting close to being done and I am so glad.
Stay tuned for the 4th and final installation of my kitchen makeover - back splash, new stove, and final costs (The cost might surprise you)
The post Kitchen Makeover - Part 3 first appeared on Eclectic Red Barn.
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granite counter tops
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