FFf Eclectic Red Barn: November 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving from TFT

Happy Thanksgiving from TFT

 Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. See you next Thursday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Fall and Christmas Ideas on WWBH

Fall and Christmas Ideas on WWBH

Welcome to the party and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
I am so thankful to all of you for all of your support and kind wishes as I have gone through chemo. I have so much to be thankful for.

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Share NOW. #wwbh #wwbloghop #wonderfulwednesdaybloghop #eclecticredbarn

On to the party!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Home Posts on You Are The Star

Home Posts on You Are  The Star

Happy Monday. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Ours was wonderful although a little cool for this time of the year. 

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving to all of the U.S. bloggers.
by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

WELCOME to the November 2024 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

WELCOME to HOME feature week of the November 2024 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your HOME week Hosts

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving Week on HIH

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #560

Happy Sunday! I hope your weekend is going well. This is the last week for our hostess Katie so check out what she has to say.

 I'm closing out my hosting for the month of November and handing the torch over to Mel of Decor Craft Design - be sure to check out the free printables she currently has featured on her blog!

I've got a few days of teaching next week before we are off to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and I'm really looking forward to a bit of R&R.  The ladies of Happiness is Homemade and I wish you all the happiest Thanksgiving and want to thank you for being here with us!

Let's get to this week's party - simply scroll down to see all the posts that have been linked up by our participating bloggers!

Miss the party last week? Click here to check it out!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thanksgiving Treats on TFT

Thanksgiving Treats on TFT

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday and welcome to the party. Thanksgiving in the U.S. is coming soon and of course, you have to have dessert. I have gather some delicious treats for your inspiration. 

Enjoy your week!

Many of my features come from your comments. Don't forget to leave our Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you might become one of my features for next week. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Holiday Ideas on WWBH

Holiday Ideas on WWBH

Welcome to the party.  I hope you week is going well. I am still weak but getting better. Looking forward to Thanksgiving. My daughter is coming home on the 27th. She has been gone since the 2nd. She is taking care of my granddaughter while my son and DIL are on vacation. I really miss her. 

We are taking care of her 2 dogs and that makes 6 all together. Fortunately, they all get along and have been so good. 

What are your Thanksgiving plans?

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Share NOW. #wwbh #wwbloghop #wonderfulwednesdaybloghop #eclecticredbarn

On to the party!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Family Posts on You Are The Star

Family Posts on You Are The Star

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had some cooler weather move in over the weekend. It was a delightful change. Have a great week ahead.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

Welcome to week#3 of the November 2024 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

WELCOME to FAMILY feature week of the
November 2024 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your FAMILY week Cohosts 

This week is FAMILY feature week
Swing by the Family hosting team's blogs:
Michelle @ Moms Are Frugal
Kris @ Kris and Larry . com

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Gift Ideas on Happiness Is Homemade

Gift Ideas on Happiness Is Homemade

Welcome to the Happiness Is Homemade Party. Thanksgiving is coming soon and ours is going to be rather quiet. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law had to go back up north for some medical reasons. I am so sad. 

Now a word from this month's hostess - Katie from Love My Messy Messy Mess here - can you believe this year is almost over?!?!?!!  This thought just occurred to me for whatever random reason last week and I nearly had a panic attack.  Where does the time go?

For all those who celebrate here in the states, I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving, but I was definitely shopping at Walmart today for Christmas gifts.  Have you started Christmas shopping yet?

Let's get to this week's party - simply scroll down to see all the posts that have been linked up by our participating bloggers!

Miss the party last week? Click here to check it out!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thanksgiving Tablescapes on TFT

Thanksgiving Tablescapes on TFT

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday and welcome to the party. With Thanksgiving coming soon, I thought you might like to see some Thanksgiving tablescapes for inspiration. 

Enjoy your week!

Many of my features come from your comments. Don't forget to leave our Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you might become one of my features for next week. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Thanksgiving Ideas on WWBH

Thanksgiving Ideas on WWBH

Welcome to the party.  I hope you week is off to a great start. 

I finished my last chemo treatment today. I am so excited. My surgery will be in Dec. It has been a long ordeal but it is coming to a close. I will have to do radiation and them Keytruda starting in January but those won't bother me. I hope I can get my strength back soon.

I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Share NOW. #wwbh #wwbloghop #wonderfulwednesdaybloghop #eclecticredbarn

On to the party!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Creative Ideas on You Are The Star

Creative Ideas on You Are The Star

Happy Monday. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was very nice. We have been having such beautiful weather here in central Florida. I hope you are enjoying some wonderful November weather too.

Enjoy your week ahead.

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

WELCOME to the second week of the November 2024 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

WELCOME to CREATIVE feature week of the November 2024 "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your CREATIVE week Hosts 

This week is CREATIVE feature week
Swing by the Creative hosting Team's blogs:
Colleen @ Butterfly in the Attic
Mel @ Decor Craft Design

This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories.  Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. 
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#2 CREATIVE - arts & crafts, music, writing &/or dramatic arts (this can include sewing, yarn work, dance, art history, handmade jewelry, painting, computer art, fashion etc - anything creative while remaining family friendly)

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for godsgrowinggarden.com photo ShopHoppingFeatured_zpsf9fab123.jpg

(These features were chosen from the October 2024 "You're the Star" blog hop)

Handmade Cards to Celebrate Fall by Amy's Creative Pursuits

Halloween Decor

If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YourAstarFEATURED_zpspebobflc.jpg

photo STARhosting_zpsqbwlkopx.jpg


All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog.  We might also share your fantastic posts on social media.  Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though}  Thank You & ENJOY! )

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. - James 1:6-8 (KJV)


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Lots of Inspiration on Happiness Is Homemade

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #558

Welcome to the Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #558. I hope you are having a great weekend. Mine has been sad, I m taking care of my daughters dogs and cat while she is away.  Her cat wasn't feeling well before she left and last week she didn't want to eat. I had to take her to the vet and they gave her fluids for three days. She seemed better but she would still not eat. Today I took her back in and they discovered that her has cancer. Needless to say, I had to put her down. I felt so bad and my daughter felt even worse that she could not be here. 

Katie from Love My Messy Messy Mess and I'm continuing my hosting responsibilities for the month of November!

Let's get to this week's party - simply scroll down to see all the posts that have been linked up by our participating bloggers!

Miss the party last week? Click here to check it out!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

All About Pumpkin on TFT

All About Pumpkin on TFT

Thursday Favorite Things. Share NOW. #linkyparty. #TFT #thursdaayfavoritethings #eclecticredbarn

Happy Thursday and welcome to the party. It's November and that means Thanksgiving is coming for the U.S. With that in mind, I thought I would share some goodies that are made with pumpkin. I hope you enjoy them. 

Enjoy your week!

Many of my features come from your comments. Don't forget to leave our Linkup Number or Post Title so I can find you and you might become one of my features for next week. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Food and Decor on WWBH

Food and Decor on WWBH

Welcome to the party.  I hope you week is off to a great start. 
We are having some rain this week. We haven't had much since Milton came through. 

It's a big day for the country. The voting polls seem to be crowded. That's awesome. Glad to see so many voting. 

I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.

Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Share NOW. #wwbh #wwbloghop #wonderfulwednesdaybloghop #eclecticredbarn

On to the party!

All About Gardens on You Are The Star

All About Gardens on You Are The Star

Good Monday to you! I hope you had a great weekend. We have been having such beautiful weather - Low 80s and a nice breeze. Hope you are having wonderful weather too.

Enjoy your week!

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

WELCOME to the November 2024 "You're the Star" Blog Hop!

WELCOME to GARDEN feature week of the November 2024 
"You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your GARDEN week Hosts 

This week is GARDEN feature week
Swing by the GARDEN Hosts blogs:
Angie @ God's Growing Garden
Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

Saturday, November 2, 2024

November on Happiness Is Homemade

Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #557

Welcome to the Happiness Is Homemade Link Party #557. I hope your weekend is going well. We have a new hostess for November. 

 My name is Katie from Love My Messy Messy Mess and it's my turn to host for the month of November

I hope everyone had a great Halloween - I don't know about where you were but our weather for trick or treating is stellar - a balmy 73 degrees, we couldn't believe it!

Let's get to this week's party - simply scroll down to see all the posts that have been linked up by our participating bloggers!

Miss the party last week? Click here to check it out!

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