FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Blooming Sweet Potato Vines


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Blooming Sweet Potato Vines

Blooming Sweet Potato Vines

While I was visiting my Mom in June, I came back with some sweet potato vines from the nursery where my sister works. They were quite little. I planted them and then set the pot under my tree. 

It has been growing and doing well. When I came back on Thursday, hubby said, "did you see your plant blooming?"

Blooming Sweet Potato Vines. Share NOW. #plants #bloomingplants #vines #eclecticredbarn

There were these small pink flowers that remind you of morning glories.

Blooming Sweet Potato Vines. Share NOW. #plants #bloomingplants #vines #eclecticredbarn

I was so excited. I sent my sister a picture and she was shocked. She showed the plant to her boss and he was shocked. 

Little did I know that it is rare for sweet potato vines to bloom. She said in all the years she has been there, no sweet potato vines have ever bloomed. 

They wanted to know what I did. I didn't even fertilize the plant, just sat it under my tree. 

Blooming Sweet Potato Vines. Share NOW. #plants #bloomingplants #vines #eclecticredbarn

Like morning glories, they close up at night and then bloom in the day. I checked online and it said the same thing about it being rare for them to bloom. 

Blooming Sweet Potato Vines. Share NOW. #plants #bloomingplants #vines #eclecticredbarn

Do any of you have flowering sweet potato vines? I would love to hear from you. 
The post Blooming Sweet Potato Vines first appeared on Eclectic Red Barn.

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