FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Over The Moon Linky Party


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Over The Moon Linky Party

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

Happy Sunday dear friends. I am so delighted that you stopped by. We are beginning a  new year of sharing, linking, reading, pinning and inspiration. 

We are having such cool weather here in central Florida that I am enjoying all of the wonderful soup recipes. I have been trying out quite a few of them. Soup is just so comforting when it is cool. I hope you enjoy my features for this week. 

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #marilyntreats #overthemoon

Have a post you want to give more reach to? Need some comments or shares? Want a post that's close to going viral to take off like a rocket? Now is the time to link it up!

We pin EVERY feature link and Most Clicked Link. So have a chance to be featured and leave a comment in our comment section. Please include your link number or post title to make our list of features. Each of our hostesses choose their own features so be sure to visit them. We will return your comment as we visit those posts! So come on in, be one of the first to link up, and remember to go Over the Moon with us!

Let’s meet your Hostesses!
Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Take a look at my wonderful Features from last week!

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Features include:

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon
And here are your Most Clicked Choice from last week!
Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Congratulations to all the featured bloggers! Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks!

 Grab our feature button. Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks! Clicking on the Hostess Collages will catapult you straight to their blog.

Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW. 2 hostesses - 5 features. #linkyparty #OTM #eclecticredbarn #overthemoon

Adding your link to the Over the Moon Link Party indicates that you agree that all of the hosts of this party have your permission to display your link with your name, URL, and image. All links will lead back to the URL you use for the link. When we share your link, it provides a backlink for SEO as well as additional traffic to your blog.

Important: If you are having trouble with the new Inlinkz please watch these short videos about Creating A Party

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you for the inspiring ideas and recipes and for featuring Chicken and Peanut Syew this week. GREAT party as always. This week I brought CHICKEN FRIED RICE, TUSCAN PEPPER STEAK & 3 PEPPER SAUCE and GARLIC HERB HONEY PORK (#36, 37 & 38). I hope you’re having a GREAT week.

    1. Tamy,
      You are so welcome for the feature. Your recipes always have me drooling. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Hi, Bev; cool weather and soup sound delightful! Thank you so much for hosting another great party; I am sharing # 44 Churros (Unfried). Have an awesome week!

    1. Irene,
      I do like some cooler weather because then I can have soup and hot chocolate. I guess it just has been cooler than normal and for longer. This week was beautiful.
      Unfried Churros sounds like I need to make them.

  3. Bev,
    Thanks so much fro your visits!!
    Thanks so much for hosting each week!! I know how much work it is so I appreciate the time you take out of your busy day to do so.. Stay safe, healthy and most of all, happy!!

  4. Thank you for hosting the party. I'm glad that you are getting the chance to try some soups. We really like soup this time of year, and there are so many that are so delicious. Our links this week are: #90, #91, & #92. Have a peaceful week!

    1. Amy,
      I could have soup every night I think. I love that Zuppa Tuscan Soup. I pinned it and I am going to make that this weekend. I am so excited about it.
      Have a great weekend ahead.

  5. Thanks again for hosting this fun party!
    You are having cool weather down south and we are having warmer than normal weather up north - lol.
    Have a great week!
    PS My linkups this week are #96, #97 & #98

    1. Angie,
      Isn't this weather crazy? Maybe I should move back up north? lol!
      I love your snow fort. We use to build them when I was little too. We would be out there all day and they were huge. Does any one do that these days?

  6. Homemade soup is my fall and winter comfort food and we have it at least once a week. Thanks for hosting, Bev, and have a great week! Linking up at 125 & 126.

    1. Marie,
      Soup and cool weather are perfect together. I had soup twice this week. I love that chair bird feeder. So adorable. You are so clever.

  7. Hi Bev. Thank you for hosting this party. Today I'm sharing #146 and 147. xx

  8. Thanks so much for hosting, Beverly! Hope you have a great week!

  9. Marilyn,
    Thanks for sharing at OTM. I love all of your soup recipes. It's warmer this week, but I am still in the mood for soup.


I would love to hear from you. Your comments are special to me.