FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Fall Scare Crow From Recycled Items


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Fall Scare Crow From Recycled Items

Scare Crow From Recycled Items

Last week I shared my new front porch wreaths for fall. You can read that here. In the picture was my new scare crow. With covid here, I have been trying to create projects without having to go shopping. So this scarecrow is made entirely from items around the house. I will share how you could adjust this project to things you might have instead of mine. She turned pretty cute for a scare crow.

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

Let's begin to make this scare crow. 

1. You need a board. You can make it any size you want. Hubby happened to have this want in his stash so it began mine. I gave it a light sand.
Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

2. I used a zig saw to round the corners and create a stem. This would be my "pumpkin top" for my scare crow. I only had bright orange paint so I mixed in some blue to make it darker and a little more brownish. I painted the stem green.
Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

3. The rest of the board I painted white. I painted both sides. I did have to paint the white part 2 times.
Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

4.  Added some hair, since she was going to be a girl. I also added two eyes.  I just used hot glue to place them below the orange paint. You don't have to get too fussy since a ban will go over top of the hair. If you had curly yarn you could use that. 

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

5.  I thought the yarn was a little flat so I added some curls. I wrapped the yarn around knitting needles and applied some Modge Podge. I let it dry and I had curls. I added some pink for the cheeks and drew a line with a magic marker for the mouth. 

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

6. For the head ban and the nose I used a section of a down spout. I saw one lying there that we took down and hubby so it was no good, it was perfect. Hubby cut out the ribbed section for me and a triangle for the nose. I had some silver spray paint so used that on both pieces.  If you do not have a down spout lying around, you could use sheet metal, flashing, even a decorative piece of wood trim,  or a yard stick. 

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

7. She needs something on top. I found this sunflower. I just had to remove some of the back so it would lay flat. 
Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

8. When we cleaned my daughters garage, I still had stuff there and I found this coo coo clock. It was only some parts but on the top was a wooden bird. I thought this would be a great addition to my scare crow.

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

9. She is getting almost completed. I decided to paint the word  "Fall" down the front. I didn't have any orange paint. Hubby said to go buy some and I said, no, I am trying not to go out. I found some bronze paint color, not even sure where that came from. I also added a bow from fabric I had. 

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

10. I wanted to stand up so hubby cut some boards that we attached to the sides.  I painted them white to match.

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

Now she graces my front porch. 

Wooden scare crow. Share NOW. #falldecor #scarecrow #fall #recycling #eclecticredbarn

What do you think? Not bad for all recycled items.

The post  Scare Crow From Recycled Items first appeared on Eclectic Red Barn.


  1. This is so adorable and perfect for my front porch! You always have the cutest ideas! Thank you and Happy Fall!

    1. Thank you for the sweet words about my scare crow. She is pretty cute sitting out there. and she didn't cost me a thing. That's even better.
      Have a great week.

  2. That really did turn out pretty cute for a scarecrow! I love that you were able to make it from all recycled items. What a fun fall decoration.

    1. Amy,
      I am really pleased with how she turned out and that fact that I could use all recycle materials. No cost here. Hope you have a lovely week.

  3. Replies
    1. Carol,
      Thank you so those kind words. I do like here.
      Have a wonderful week.

  4. This is one cute fall decor project:) I do love upcycling projects, thanks for sharing!

    1. Kasia,
      Thank you so much for the kind words about my scarecrow. I think she is adorable too. I like recycled projects.


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