FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Over The Moon Linky Party


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Over The Moon Linky Party

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

Happy Sunday and the last day of summer. Can you believe it? Here is Florida we are enjoying some lovely fall type weather for us. We have here what they call love bugs. They don't hurt you or bite but just are annoying. I am trying to sit outside and they keep landing on me, driving me crazy. Now I am not talking about a few bugs, but hundreds of them. I sprayed some bug spray but it didn't affect them. Hopefully, they won't last too much longer. They fly locked together, thus love bugs.

I hope you enjoy checking out my features and all of the amazing posts. Have a great week ahead.

Over The Moon Linky Party Logo

Have a post you want to give more reach to? Need some comments or shares? Want a post that's close to going viral to take off like a rocket? Now is the time to link it up!

We pin EVERY feature link and Most Clicked Link. So have a chance to be featured and leave a comment in our comment section. Please include your link number or post title to make our list of features. Each of our hostesses choose their own features so be sure to visit them. We will return your comment as we visit those posts! So come on in, be one of the first to link up, and remember to go Over the Moon with us!

Let’s meet your Hostesses!

Welcome to Over The Moon Linky Party

Take a look at my wonderful Features from last week!
Over The Moon Linky Party. Share NOW DIY, crafts, home decor, recipes with bloggers and readers. Sunday ~ Thursday. 3 hostesses. 5 features. #linkparty #linkparties #OTM #eclecticredbarn

Congratulations to all the featured bloggers! Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks!

 Grab our feature button. Please visit all the hosts to see each of their feature picks! Clicking on the Hostess Collages will catapult you straight to their blog.

Adding your link to the Over the Moon Link Party indicates that you agree that all of the hosts of this party have your permission to display your link with your name, URL, and image. All links will lead back to the URL you use for the link. When we share your link, it provides a backlink for SEO as well as additional traffic to your blog.

Important: If you are having trouble with the new Inlinkz please watch these short videos about Creating A Party

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Thanks so much for the awesome feature for my Whats For Dinner Next Week, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a fantastic week and thanks so much for all the parties!
    Miz Helen

    1. Miz Helen,
      You are so welcome for the feature on over The Moon Linky Party. I hope you are having a lovely fall week.

  2. Thank you so much for including my back porch mantel in the features this week....xoxo

    1. Penny,
      You are so welcome for the feature on Over The Moon Linky Party. Your porch looks so lovely.
      Have a great day.

  3. Thank you for including my gf pumpkin scones in your features Bev! My daughter did enjoy the gymnastics class, she's just going to need LOTS of practice with waiting her turn and not running off and listening to the teacher. I decided to sign her up for a whole session after that class because she liked it so much :)

    1. Suchot,
      She sounds so cite and typical of girls her age. My grand daughter use to do the same thing. Wanting to do her own thing and let it always be here turn. She will get it.
      You are so welcome for the feature on Over The Moon Linky party.
      Have a great week.

  4. Bev, my link is #52. Sharing a pumpkin spirce scone and a fall tablescape. Thanks for hosting us.
    Your story of the love bugs was a good memory jolter. When I was a student at the University of Texas, there were times when the love bugs were so bad, that when I traveled from Corpus Christi back to Austin at time, the front radiator would be covered with these bugs. Ha! Cars were built differently in the 1960s. It was a real problem! Not sure why, but I don't recall problems with these swarms in years since. I empathize!

    1. Sarah,
      I love scones so needless to say I had to pin yours. Yummy! WE still have problems with driving and the love bugs. They hit the front of the car and the windshield and you can't even see. You don't dare put on your wipers. When you stop at a service station, everyone is trying to clean the car and the windsshield. What a mess.
      For such little bugs, they create such a mes.
      Have a lovely week.

  5. There are few things more annoying than bugs landing on you, even if they don't bite. I have never heard of those bugs. I guess that there are advantages of living in a desert that also has winter! Thank you for hosting the party. We really appreciate you and your support. Our links this week are: #51, #52, & #53.

    1. Amy,
      Lovebugs are so annoying. They create a mess when they hit your car. I had to powerwash the front to get it clean. Hopefully they will be gone soon.
      I have never heard of zucchini soup. Pinned so I can try it.
      Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon Linky party.
      Have a great week.

  6. Thanks again for hosting this fun party!
    I've never seen those bugs before - they would drive me crazy. Hopefully their season doesn't last long?
    Have a great week!
    PS My linkups this week are #61 & #62

    1. Angie,
      They are horrible because they just drive you crazy, they are everywhere. Fortunately, they don't last too long. I love your sun flowers.
      Have a great week.

  7. Beverly thank you so much for the feature. I hope those love bugs make their way off of you and leave you in peace to enjoy fall.

    1. Mary,
      You are so welcome for the feature at Over The Moon Linky party. I hope they leave soon too. They are all over everything. Usually they don't last too many days.

  8. Oh and I'm linking up #125 today! :) Have a great week!

    1. Suchot,
      That is a great post about selling on Amazon. I think those posts are going to be helpful to many. Keep them coming.

  9. Hi Beverly!
    I'm hosting a giveaway this week! I hope you'll stop by and enter!
    My post is #181
    Thank you for hosting!

    1. Lisa,
      Thanks for inviting me. ( I did enter) Great giveaway. Hope your week is going great.

  10. Marilyn,
    Thanks for sharing your awesome apple recipes. I am going to have to make that apple pie cobbler for hubby. It looks so good.
    Have a lovely day.

  11. Debbie,
    You are so welcome for the feature on Over The Moon Linky party. I hope you are enjoying the fall weather and your lovely porch.
    Have a great week.

  12. Hi Bev! Thanks for hosting! This week we're sharing #184. Hope you're having a nice week!

    1. Sheri and Kristen,
      Thanks for sharing that amazing apple pie dip. I have never heard of it but it looks great. Love how you displayed it in the leaf dish.
      Hope you week is going well.


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