FFf Eclectic Red Barn: How about a "power peel" for your feet?


Saturday, August 5, 2017

How about a "power peel" for your feet?

When it comes to summer skincare, there is one body part we often forget: our feet.

As we age, the skin on our feet begins to lose its natural oils, leaving them cracked and dry…

Walking around all summer in sandals and NOT taking care of your feet, can make your feet look less-than-presentable.

So today, I’m going to show you an easy way to perform a “power peel” right at home.
Eclectic Red Barn: Power Peel for your feet

This do-it-yourself treatment is designed to moisturize your feet, while removing layers of dead skin — making them look smooth, supple, and luxuriously soft…

(No scrubbing required!)

Best of all, the recipe is super simple…

Just make sure you have a couple hours to do it — and a comfortable place to sit down.
Eclectic Red Barn: Supplies for Power Peel for your feet

Here’s what you’ll need:
  • capful of non-coated aspirin tablets, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • small mixing bowl
  • spoon
  • plastic wrap
  • thick socks
  • jojoba oil
- Aspirin is made primarily of salicylic acid, which acts as a “chemical peel” to remove layers of dead skin from your feet.
  • (That’s right — the same product you use to relieve your headache is also a great natural exfoliant!)
- The lemon juice actually boosts the acidic effect of the aspirin… for an even deeper, more thorough peel.


1) Crush your aspirin into a fine powder — I’ve found that the easiest way to do this is by using a pistol and mortar. Or you can pour the tablets into a plastic bag and then mashing them with a spoon. (I purchased my aspirin from Amazon because I could not find any non-coated aspirin at the store.)

2) Once the tablets are thoroughly crushed, pour them into a small mixing bowl, and add lemon juice. (I recommend using fresh lemon juice because it is the most potent, but bottled lemon juice will also work.)

3) Use a spoon to combine the aspirin and lemon juice, then slowly pour in the water, one tablespoon at a time, and mix thoroughly. If the paste is too thick, add a bit more lemon juice.

4) Apply a generous amount of paste to each of your feet, then use plastic wrap to thoroughly cover each foot. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Wrap your feet in plastic wrap

5) Put your socks on over the plastic wrap, then sit back and relax!

Eclectic Red Barn: Put socks on over plastic wrap

(One important note: Before you begin, test this mixture on a small area of your skin, such as your arm or hand. A slight tingling sensation after a few seconds is normal. However, if you feel any significant irritation, rinse the mixture off immediately and do not proceed.)

5) Leave the treatment on for at least one hour — the longer you leave it on, the more effective the peel will be. I recommend leaving it on for about 2-3 hours to get the best results. I put mine on in the evening and run about in my socks.

6) Remove your socks and plastic wrap, then rinse your feet in warm water. Dry your feet with a clean towel, then massage them with a few drops of jojoba oil to lock in moisture.

Now, your feet will look and feel smoother right away… but you’ll see the FULL effect in a few days.

You see, your feet will actually keep “shedding” layers of dead skin even after you remove your peel — at first in small flakes around your heel and toes, and then in larger pieces over your entire foot.

After about one week, these layers of dead skin will have peeled completely… leaving your feet looking flawless and feeling baby-soft. You’ll be amazed when you see them!

So don’t worry when you notice debris coming off your feet… that’s how you know the peel is working.

I hope you’ll give this DIY remedy a try. It’s sure to help you flaunt your favorite sandals all summer long and keep those feet looking great!

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