FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Flowers in the Pineapple Patch


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Flowers in the Pineapple Patch

I have been wanting to add a pineapple patch at this house since the one at the other house is doing so well. Here is the finished pineapple patch and I'll tell you what we did.
Eclectic Red Barn: Pineapple patch with Plate Flowers

I needed lots of dirt and some long boards to make it. We had had dirt delivered for another reason and some long treated lumber from a deck we took down so we began. 

Eclectic Red Barn: One ton of dirt delivered

I wanted it long enough to add more pineapples to it later and maybe put in some other vegetables. It is 3 feet wide and 20 feet long. My husband create dividers to make the sides stronger. He even added some cut off 4x4's in the corners. (He is an engineer, so he wants it sturdy.)

We used our neighbors fence to butt it up to. Once it was built, his fence and the boards looked so bad. I asked if we could power wash them. (Actually, could hubby power wash them)

Eclectic Red Barn: Built pineapple patch form without dirt
It always amazes me how clean a power washer gets things. Check out this before and after.
Eclectic Red Barn: Power washing the fence
Once it was all cleaned, I planted my pineapples. I won't have any this year but next year I will. It takes two years for them to produce. 

Eclectic Red Barn: Pineapple patch with Plate Flowers
Louie thought this was a great new place to hunt.  

See that blue/green fence in the middle? That was on the outside of the other house covering the kitchen window. Not sure why? I have kept it for 5 years, knowing that someday I would find a place for it. 

It fit perfectly between the two fence posts so snug that we just tapped it into place. Not sure what paint they used, but it has never peeled or chipped sitting outside all this time. 

Now to add some flowers. I made these plate flowers and hung them onto the fence. I wanted something more than just the plates so I made leaves out of soda cans. Then I tacked them to the fence. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Plate Flowers with soda can leaves

 This is my daisy flower. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Daisy Plate Flower with soda can leaves

Here is a blue plate flower.
Eclectic Red Barn: Blue Plate Flower with soda can leaves

Well, that project is finally done and I don't have to worry about my flowers dying or needing to be watered. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Pineapple patch with Plate Flowers

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