FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Mallards in the Pool?


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mallards in the Pool?

Spring time is in the air. The weather is getting warmer; flowers are poking their heads up out of the soil and trees are blooming. Here in Florida, we too experience these changes, although not as noticeable as up north. As the weather changes, the birds begin to make their way back up north. We had a wonderful experience of this today. 

My daughter and her best friend came for Easter and are enjoying the weather. We were out on the deck and her friend said "you have ducks swimming in your pool". How cute! I said, "no we don't".

Eclectic Red Barn: Mallards in swimming pool

Sure enough, there were two mallards swimming in our pool. I suppose they decided to make a pit stop on their way up north. We have never seen any ducks in our pool before. It was so exciting.

As I tried to get close enough to take a picture, the male decided to jump up on the edge of the pool and walk around. The female just swam. They didn't stay too long, other places to go on their journey!

Springtime is awesome!

1 comment :

  1. How cute! One last taste of Florida before they were on thier way ;)



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