FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Free Rocking Chairs


Friday, September 13, 2013

Free Rocking Chairs

Free is great! We all love free of course. This months rubbish day was very successful. As you may know if you follow my blog that each month we are allowed to "throw out" our rubbish for "balk pick up". In most cases it is plant and tree trimmings, but I have picked up some great furniture pieces. This week was no exception. 

My neighbor across the street put out these rocking chairs. I went to put out some garbage and wow there they were. I got so excited, I ran over there and my neighbor happened to be out. Can I have those? Of course, they had bought new ones. They needed some repairs.

I dragged them to my house.  One of the legs fell off and so did one of the arms. Not to fear, that can be fixed. I  placed them in front of the garage. Now what to tell my husband. Yikes! I was sitting in one of them playing with the dogs when he came home. He loved them. We can sit out here in the evening. 

He fixed the legs and the arms and I put a coat of exterior paint on them. I liked the original paint, but decided to grey wash they to protect them. I didn't quite get the paint thin enough on the back of the one of the right, but I am sure that the weather will tone it down. The one on the left is my favorite. 
It may not be a lovely setting (front of the garage) for the rockers, but they will get a lot of use out there. The sun is in the back of the house in the evening and therefore cooler out front. They can give some "class" to the garage. 
Maybe I can decorate them for fall?
Linking to these parties:
From The Farm Blog HopIt's OverflowingNEWDIYLargeButtonLife on Lakeshore Driveparty{nifty button}


  1. What a great score!!!
    I think they'd be lovely decorated for fall!

  2. Wow what a wonderful find. They look wonderful and I'd love to see them decorated for fall.
    Ali x

  3. Those are an awesome find. Nothing beats getting something good for free

  4. Free is good! I love your rocking chairs.

  5. I seen this pic and right away I know what I would do with em! Have you ever been to Cheeseburger in Paradise? They have chairs there similar to these, and painted in differ themes. Maybe google it and you will see what I'm talking about! Very cool score! Wish I lived closer to ya, I would so paint em for ya! Thanks for sharing on DIY Sunday SHowcase!

    Shelly from MinettesMaze


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